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یکشنبه 18 اسفندماه سال 1392 09:08
makeup things lipstick : رِژ لب chapstick:برق لب Eye liner:خط چشم Eye shadow:سایه چشم Eye pencil:مداد چشم Blush:رژ گونه Mascare:ریمل Powder:پنکک cream:کرم Nail polish: لاک ناخن نویسنده: محدثه آبانگاه
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چهارشنبه 30 بهمنماه سال 1392 19:11
" The Blue P lanet " Earth is called the Blue planet.do you know why? The Earth looks blue from space because there is water on 70% of our planet. Sometimes there are storms over warm ocean water.These are hurricanes. The wind is very strong,and it blows in a circle.North of the equator,hurricane winds blow...
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چهارشنبه 30 بهمنماه سال 1392 19:04
chocolate do you like chocolate? It's in candy, cakes,and bread,and we have chocolate drinks,too. It's sweet and delicious! We can thank the Mexicans.They discovered cacao seeds. They made a chocolate drink from the seeds,but it was very bitter. Later,Spanish people came to Mexico. They put sugar in their chocolate....
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سهشنبه 22 بهمنماه سال 1392 11:49
INTERVIEW WITH GOD گفتگو با خدا... I dreamed I had an interview with god . خواب دیدم .در خواب با خدا گفتگویی داشتم . God asked خدا گفت : So you would like to interview me پس می خواهی با من گفتگو کنی؟ I said ,If you have the time گفتم اگر وقت داشته باشید. God smiled خدا لبخند زد. My time is eternity وقت من ابدی است....
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سهشنبه 15 بهمنماه سال 1392 23:14
نویسنده : سارا وثوقی
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یکشنبه 13 بهمنماه سال 1392 22:16
power point اسامی مشترک بریتانیایی و آمریکایی English file نویسنده: زهرا دهقان
دوشنبه 7 بهمنماه سال 1392 17:49
چند ضرب المثل کوتاه انگلیسی... زندگی برد و باخت دارد : you win some you lose some کس نخارد پشت من جز ناخن انگشت من : you want a thing done it your self خواستن توانستن است : you can not keep a good man down شتر دیدی ندیدی : your san nothing you heard nothing کارگر بی مهارت انبار کارش را مقصر میداند ( مترادف عروس بلد...
دوشنبه 7 بهمنماه سال 1392 17:39
One day an 11 year old girl asked her daddy “ What are you going to get me for my 15th birthday ?” The father replied, “There is much time left .” When the girl was 14 she fainted and was rushed to the hospital . The doctor came out and told her dad she had a bad heart& she is probably gonna die When she was lying...
دوشنبه 7 بهمنماه سال 1392 17:35
...Mother ...who always took care us ، frow when we up to now ! she always helped us ، when we needed help ?she fraught us ، how can we talk?how can we walk?how can we live . when we were sad ، she helped us to be better ... when we were crying ، she smiled to us and huged us ... when we were laughing ، she was...
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چهارشنبه 4 دیماه سال 1392 10:52
Enjoyed'll bother to apologize to you ... ... ازاینکه شمارا به زحمت می اندازیم عذر می خواهیم...
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چهارشنبه 4 دیماه سال 1392 10:48
Exams start and misery down the other day to congratulate twenty ... Examens commencent et la misère l'autre jour à féliciter vingt ... Prüfungen beginnen und Elend auf der anderen Tag zu gratulieren zwanzig ... شروع امتحانات و بدبختی هارا همواره تا بیست روز دیگر به شما تبریک می گوییم...
past verbs
شنبه 30 آذرماه سال 1392 16:40
Iregular verbs with the same phone tices past present broke break took take woke up wake up wrote write brought bring bought buy forgot forget got get taught teach thought think came come ate eat gave give made make drove drive saw see shut shut felt feel went go kept keep learnt learn left leave met meet read read...
English Joke
شنبه 30 آذرماه سال 1392 16:12
Joke...!!! ? what is a waste a energy Telling a hair-raising !!! story to a bald man ............................................................... ?what shall we play to day said florance to her best friend jenny lets play schools ?said jenny ok ! said florance but I going to be absent نویسنده: پریا قاسمی
ترجمه سوره حمد به زبان انگلیسی
شنبه 30 آذرماه سال 1392 15:50
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful الحمد لله رب العالمین All praise is due to Allah the lord of the worlds الرحمن الرحیم The Beneficent the Merciful مالک یوم الدین Master of the day of judgment ایاک نعبد و ایاک نستعین The do we serve and The dowe beseech for help اهدنا الصزاظ...
English page
یکشنبه 17 آذرماه سال 1392 15:57
1100 لغت پرکاربرد در اخبار انگلیسی E nglish file نویسنده:آیدا گلشن
English page
پنجشنبه 16 خردادماه سال 1392 21:42
ضرب المثل های انگلیسی E nglish file نویسنده: آیدا گلشن