...Mother...who always took care us ، frow when we up to now
!she always helped us ، when we needed help
?she fraught us ، how can we talk?how can we walk?how can we live
.when we were sad ، she helped us to be better
...when we were crying ، she smiled to us and huged us
...when we were laughing ، she was laughing with us
when we were sick ، she took care us...she sometimes did not sleep for two nights
?we can ask our self ... are we good daughtors for our mothers
?did we help her when she needed help? will we take care heron futohure
...if we kill our self for our mothers ، it is not enough for them yet
...so we can get ، mother are not humid...they are only angles
نویسنده:کیمیا قزوینی
خیلی با احساسی ... دست شما درد نکنه .
عزیزم،خودتو کنترل کن...
اصن ب توووووو چـــــــه؟؟؟؟؟؟!!!!

چش نداری ببینی یکی از یکی تعریف میکنـــــــــــــــــــــه؟؟؟
ba khodet dargiria????